So, what is being ‘neurodivergent’?

By Tanya Luther, co-owner of Neurodivergent Empowered
Being in our neurodivergent-affirming love bubble, I sometimes forget that people don't know what being neurodivergent means. Essentially, people whose brains are not neurotypical (NT) are considered to be ‘neurodivergent’ (ND).
The “neurodivergent” label originally focused on those who are autistic. However, in more recent years it has been used to describe those who think, behave, and learn differently to what is typical in society. Being neurodivergent should NOT be considered an inherent deficit but simply a difference in processing the world around us.
Several recognised types of Neurodivergence include Autism, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, Hyperlexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Tourette syndrome (TS), Pathological Demand Avoidance, Sensory Processing, Meares-Irlen Syndrome, Bipolar, Synaesthesia and more...
The neurodiversity movement advocates the idea that our brains are different and that everyone (whether neurotypical or neurodivergent) should be treated equally by individuals, the workplace and external environments.
The best analogy of the difference between being neurodivergent and neurotypical is that of the phone / computer operating system. Android v Apple. Neither is better or worse, except by opinion. However, the apps are not interchangeable across them both. If everyone in the world chose to favour only one of these, then everyone who had the other, would be at a distinct disadvantage.
This ‘everyone favouring one” analogy is how neurodiverse people exist in a neurotypical-dominated world, and they therefore may need additional supports in place as they are indeed at a distinct disadvantage because of it. These supports must be neurodivergent-affirming to protect the mental health of the individual.
‘Neurodivergent-affirming service provision’ is a term that refers to the importance of services to be facilitated differently in order for people with a neurodivergent brain to complete them.
“In order for a service to be ND-affirming, it must have taken steps to consider the differences in ND brains (when compared to Neurotypical brains) and made changes and accommodations to support a person who has an ND brain to thrive." - Divergantz Collective
We encourage people to embrace their unique neurology, sensory profile and nervous system needs. You are NOT broken. Your existence plays a crucial role in forcing society to embrace individual authenticity and acceptance of individual differences without judgement.
We see you.