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COMMUNITY NEWS - Revitalising hinterland hubs

Almost $14 million is being invested in Division 10 in a mix of projects as diverse and valuable as its hinterland communities, thanks to Sunshine Coast Council’s 2024-25 Budget.

Division 10 Councillor David Law welcomed the injection of funds as a commitment to the unique and vibrant communities of the Sunshine Coast hinterland.

“From a multimillion-dollar investment in our major town hubs of Eumundi and Nambour, to significant funds towards gravel road upgrades and improving our parks and playgrounds, this is a major boost for our entire division,” Cr Law said.

“Eumundi streetscape improvements, gravel road upgrades, ongoing revitalisation of Nambour town centre, and a long list of parks and facilities upgrades throughout the division are among the highlights.

“More than $3.3 million will be invested in the Eumundi Town Centre to transform Memorial Drive as part of Stage 1 of the streetscape project.

“The new and improved streetscape will feature more tranquil outdoor seating, more shade, trees and plants and two new pedestrian crossings.

“The ever-popular Eumundi Markets will also benefit with $550,000 to renew electrical infrastructure.

“I’m thrilled Council is investing in these projects for our community to enjoy and as a boost to our businesses,” Cr Law said.

“We are investing a further $1.8 million in Council’s Nambour Administration Precinct to repurpose the administration building and library to provide a range of community services for the growing Nambour centre.

“The Nambour (Namba) Place revitalisation project will continue with $1.4 million invested over two years to help revive the ‘heart of the hinterland’ and guide its future as a vibrant, creative and cultural hub, including streetscape improvements to Currie Street, Howard Street and Mill Street.

“We are also investing in the safety of our region’s roads, with more than $2.5 million for gravel road sealing upgrades at North Arm Road in North Arm and Ferntree Creek Road in Kulangoor.

“The Nambour Showgrounds, one of our community’s major assets, will receive more than $1 million for continued improvements with an amenity upgrade and electrical infrastructure renewal.

“We know Division 10 is a great place to live, work and play, and we’re delivering significant upgrades to our parks, playgrounds and environmental reserves for our communities in North Arm, Kureelpa, Kidaman Creek, Obi Obi, Eumundi, Kenilworth, Yandina, Mapleton, Gheerulla, Ninderry, and Nambour.

“This year’s Budget is a showcase of how we’re connecting and engaging with our communities to build a better future for everyone.”

For further information on Sunshine Coast Council’s 2024–25 Budget, including a full list of Division 10 projects, visit

Division 10 encompasses Belli Park, Bridges, Burnside, Coes Creek, Coolabine, Cooloolabin, Dulong, Eerwah Vale, Eumundi, Gheerulla, Highworth, Image Flat, Kenilworth, Kiamba, Kidaman Creek, Kulangoor, Kureelpa, Mapleton, Nambour, Ninderry, North Arm, Obi Obi, Parklands, Perwillowen, Rosemount, Towen Mountain, and Yandina.


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Aug 09

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