A cracker Christmas!
The raffles at the Maleny Players performances of A Cracker Christmas! will feature a substantial bundle of Australian children’s books by Maleny author, Jill Morris.
Seven titles, all written by Jill and illustrated in brilliant full colour by Australian artists, include fiction and non-fiction about Australian native animals for example Maleny’s (missing) Southern Platypus Frog that gave birth through the mouth; the threatened Northern Hairy-nosed Wombat; and the beautiful ancient marine species Nautilus.
Jill will be present at both performances on Saturday 9th December to sign the books for the raffle winners.
She will also sign up to 200 copies of Coral Reef Fairy, a small dust-jacketed hardback set in the Australian ocean with boy and girl divers depicted among deep-sea fairy characters. Five separate colour plates are available for the young readers to paste into the book to illustrate exciting action.
Every child (or adult) will be able to take away a copy of Coral Reef Fairy for Christmas!
Details and tickets: malenyplayers.org or cash sales at Maleny Art Direct on Maple Street. Thursday December 7 at 6pm; Saturday December 9 at 11am and 3pm, Sunday December 10 at 2pm. Adults $25 Concession and kids $15, children under 5 years free.