COMMUNITY NEWS - Contain your dog!
In the 2023-24 financial year, dog attacks in the region were up more than 10 per cent on the previous year. A total of 382 dog attacks were reported – 166 on people and 216 on another animal.
The Queensland Government has just rolled out tougher dog laws, such as increased penalties (including having a dog off-leash in an on-leash area) and even jail time possible for serious attacks. If the dog is in an off-leash area, the owner must be able to control the dog using voice command.
Councillor Winston Johnston said, “One of the most common locations for dog attacks is directly outside the property where a dog resides, as a result of the dog escaping from an unsecured door, gate or garage.”
Please lock your gate; consider a spring-loaded, self-closing gate and check the fence for gaps. If you are opening the door or garage be sure your dog cannot get out.
If you witness an attack, contact Council, describe the dog and registration details, if known, take photographs of injuries, and write a statement.
All reported dog attack incidents are investigated under the Queensland Government Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act.