by Nicholas Matthews
The lightning looked like white veins pulsating in the sky. Two weedy hands reached towards the drenched earth then an almighty boom reverberated, vibrating the steppingstone I am sitting on. I need to get away. I jump up deciding to run until the big booming sound stops. I pass at least 100 familiar houses then the scenery became less familiar.
Tall towers rise above me, making it hard to see the cloudy blue sky. Cold water trickles down my face. Two tall adults stand, staring over at me and talked in an unfamiliar language. They quickly open the door of their creamy white van and leap in. The slightly taller one turns the key and the engine turns on fast like a gunshot, though not as loud.
The men drive over to me and try to pull me in, but I free myself. I start running, leg after leg, not looking back, though I know they are not far behind me because I can hear the loud spluttering of the engine and the squeaking of the brakes.
I take a glimpse of a small alleyway and decide to take my chances, I sprint over. In the alleyway is a rusty green dumpster and an old doughnut container. I run over realising how hungry I am and wolf the leftover doughnuts down.
The booming noise has finally stopped. I peek to see if the two people are still there but they have left. I slowly wander out, deciding to go home, when a feeling of hopelessness spears through my body. I realise I am lost. I wonder if my family is looking for me?
I pivot around looking for my family and I see the van zooming towards me. I run further into the unfamiliar area. People are crammed tight together crossing the street and I see a glimpse of my family. “SALLY,” my family is calling, as that’s my name. I look back and the white van is getting closer.
My family is at the back of a big crowd. But how am I supposed to get past? I pump my legs as fast as they will go. Then I jump onto a dark green jeep driving past and leap, barely skimming the heads of the people crossing the road.
I quickly land and run over to my family, and all of them are saying, “We were so worried” and I kiss them one by one.
The white van has parked and the two men are quickly walking over, “Excuse me, your dog was loose in the city, I’m afraid to say next time this happens we will have to take your dog into the pound.” They all ended up agreeing.
I am finally reunited with my owners.